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Laurie's Rant: Conflicting Medical Advice Needs To Stop

I’d like to begin this rant by saying how much I respect doctors.

The long and expensive years of difficult studies, working night shifts in over crowded hospitals and constantly having to deal with unwell people. It takes a special kind of person to want to do this line of work, let alone be able to. The world needs more people like this.

Unfortunately though, I am frequently disappointed by the advice I hear people receive from their doctors regarding their health, wellness and/or fat loss efforts.

More times than I can remember I have heard clients tell me that their doctor has given them advice that is contradictory to what all of the latest exercise and nutrition science tells us about long term health and sustainable fat loss.

Now I’m no doctor nor do I pretend to be. I have never done a medical degree, let alone know what one entails but, from what I’ve been told, exercise and nutrition education makes up an alarmingly small percentage of that medical degree.

Given that THE vast majority of western illnesses and disease could be prevented through better nutrition, proper exercise and lifestyle choices, wouldn’t it make sense to make nutrition and exercise a significant part of a medical degree?

After all, isn’t prevention much better than cure?

Given that doctors are some of the most (if not THE most) trusted people in our community, patients are inclined to take and follow any advice given without a second thought.

As such, I think it’s essential that doctors up-skill in the field of nutrition/exercise/positive lifestyle changes so that there are no mixed messages between them and the other health professionals working hard to help patients improve their health.

The research being conducted over the last few years in the fields of exercise and nutrition has completely changed our views on all aspects of health, disease prevention and fat loss.

Now I don’t want to give the impression that I think all doctors need to improve their knowledge. On the contrary, I know a few new generation doctors who are much more in sync with the latest research compared to their older counterparts.

But regardless of the age or experience of the doctor, I think all health professionals need to come together to provide one united message so that the general population can once and for all stop receiving confusing and conflicting information.

Only then will Western society have a chance to reduce (and hopefully reverse) this incessant rise of obesity and disease.